The Bureau of Meteorology and the State Emergency Service (SES)

Dear Members,

The Bureau of Meteorology and the State Emergency Service (SES) have forecast a greater than 75% chance of significant heatwaves in South Australia this summer.  The SAACCON Secretariat have engaged with The SES are keen to get safety messages to expected high-risk areas quickly to allow for appropriate messaging and preparation prior to and after significant weather and or fire events. 

The SAACCON Members portal is a quick link to important information relevant to your district.  You are encouraged to discover the following links. 

Heatwave landing page – This page has all SES key messages on it and includes information and animations about what to do before, during and after a heatwave.  

Heatwave forecast page – This page has the SES State Heatwave Summary link.  It is generated everyday at 3pm and also has a visual version of the heatwave summary, which shows the heatwaves being experienced ‘today’ and what’s forecast ‘tomorrow’.  

About SASES Warnings page – Provides a detailed summary of the warnings we issue, which align with the Australian Warning System

Current warnings list – This is where all our warnings will be listed. So, between 3pm-5pm (usually), this is where any heatwave warnings will be published. 


These links directly provide heatwave collateral.  Please advise if you would like printed copies of these. 

Heatwave checklist 

Heatwave cool tips guide (available as a fridge magnet) 

Heatwaves Easy English Guide 


Finally, here are links to the SES Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) channels, which will automatically publish our alerts and warnings, including the State Heatwave Summary: 


X (formerly Twitter) 


We urge you to take advantage of this daily information to help keep yourselves, staff and clients safe over this summer. 

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